set exam
Important Instructions to Candidates appearing for MH-SET 23rd June 2019
1. Examination hall/block will be open 60 minutes before commencement of examination. Students will not be permitted to enter the hall once the examination has commenced.
2. Sitting arrangement with Seat number will be made available to each student in the examination hall. Students must verify their seat no. before sitting on the bench. Only one student should sit on one bench. However, 2 students are allowed to sit on 12 feet length bench.
3. Students should not open seal of the Test booklet before 10.00 a.m. in 1st session and before 11.30 am. in the 2nd session.
4. There will be no break between two sessions. In addition, the students will not be permitted to go to bathroom in the last 20 minutes of each session.
5. You will be given Test Booklet of a subject specified on your Admit card only. You must write Seat No. (in words & figure) and OMR sheet No. correctly at appropriate place on the Test Booklet. Before answering the questions, ensure that the Booklet Code printed on the Test Booklet and on the OMR sheet are identical. If not, request the invigilator for another OMR sheet. Student must write his/her name correctly on the OMR sheet. Similarly write and shade the Seat No. and subject code at appropriate place on the OMR sheet otherwise the OMR sheet will not be evaluated and the student will get zero marks in that paper. As also read the instructions mentioned on the OMR sheet and Test Booklet carefully. Please note that you will be responsible for the mistakes committed by you. No OMR sheet will be changed if mistakes committed by Students.
6. If a student is found to write Mobile no. or mentioning any identity on the OMR sheet, it will be treated as a case of unfair means and the candidate will be declared as ineligible.
7. Every student must bring his/her own ball pen, ink pen, eraser, pencil, ink etc. during examination. Use of calculator, log table etc. is not permitted during examination. Students are not allowed to carry electronic appliances such as Cellular mobile, satellite phone, pager etc. in the examination hall.
8. The period assigned for each paper includes time for entering the information on the OMR sheet and Test Booklets. Separate time will not be give to make entries on the OMR sheet and Test Booklets.
9. Bell timings during examination are as given below:-
->60 minutes before commencement of examination.
->Commencement of examination.
->15 minutes before conclusion of each session.
->On conclusion of each session.
10. At the end of each session, student must return original OMR Sheet to the invigilator. Failure to return the original OMR sheet to the invigilator, student will get zero (00) marks in respective paper. However, students are allowed to carry both used test booklets and Carbonless copy of both OMR sheets.
11. Students are not allowed smoking, chewing tobacco/tea and other eatables in examination hall.
12. The student found to do copying or unfair means, will be debarred from appearing for next SET examination.
13. The information given by the student in his/her online application form will not be changed under any circumstances.
14. On demand, student must show his/her identity card to the Invigilator, Superintendent, observer.
15. It is binding on the part of students to follow the instructions given by the Superintendent/ invigilator. However, do not follow instructions that mistakes made by the students in shading seat number, subject code or answer options will be taken care by the SET department. If there is any loss due to this, students will be responsible for the same.
16. The students with disability including visually challenged (40% or more disability only) will be given additional 20 minutes separately for paper I and 40 minutes for paper II.
However, the visually challenged students (40% or more disability) and physically challenged those who are unable to write (40% or more disability) will be allowed to write the examination with the help of a scribe. There is no provision of Test Booklet in Braille script for visually disabled candidates.
17. The students appearing for the examination are not eligible for TA/DA.