Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd.(MRVC), a Public Sector Undertaking of Govt. of India under Ministry of Railways (MoR), incorporated on 12th July 1999 under Companies Act, 1956, executes the projects under Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP). The Corporation already executed number of suburban rail improvement projects in Mumbai and extended suburbs for enhancing suburban rail transportation capacity. The corporation is also involved in the planning and development of Mumbai Suburban Rail system.
Though the project tenure is for 5 years, the initial appointment will be made for two years on contract basis with consolidated emoluments. The period of contract is extendable by three years with enhanced emoluments, depending upon the project requirements and performance of the candidate.
The candidate will be paid salary in E-1 IDA Scale Rs.40000 -140000(new scale as per 3rd PRC) with the Basic Pay of Rs. 40000/-, DA and HRA @ 24% of basic pay, subject to deduction of statutory or other deductions. Also, other perks and allowances would be admissible as per extant policy of MRVC. They will be granted increment @ 3% of basic pay at the end of one year depending upon their performance & Corporation’s requirement.