India’s biggest Power Distribution Company having Over 2.17 Crores consumers and dedicated pool of over 77,000 employees with Annual Revenue of over Rupees 50,000 Crore, is looking for Talented, Dynamic and Result oriented Professionals with proven track record to join MSEDCL in the following senior positions.
Methology of selection :
1) The candidates will be shortlisted for selection process taking into consideration thequalification, experience, job responsibility etc.
2) The selection process will consist of In-Basket Exercises, Committee Exercises,Presentation, Group Discussion and Personal Interview etc.
3) The candidates will be shortlisted for personal interview taking into consideration theirperformance in the In-Basket Exercises & Committee Exercises, Presentation and GroupDiscussion etc.
4) The list of applicants shortlisted for selection process and rejected candidates withreasons will be made available on the website of the Company. Similarly the list offinally selected candidates will also be displayed on the website
5) The recruitment in MSEDCL is done strictly as per merit in a systematic way givingappropriate weightage to various selection tools.
6) Canvassing in any form will disqualify a candidate.
How To Apply :
Candidates are required to have a valid personal email ID. It should be keptactive during the period of this recruitment. The Company will send intimationabout in-basket exercises and group discussion test, interview etc. through theregistered email ID. Under no circumstances, he/she should share/mentionemail ID to/or of any other person.
Candidates should paste photograph & signature in the application.
In case, a candidate does not have a valid personal email ID, he/she should createhis/her new email ID before submitting application form.
Incomplete application / application not in prescribed format and those notsupported by self attested copies of certificates are liable to be summarilyrejected.
The name of the candidate or his / her father / husband name, caste etc.should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates /mark sheets. Any change / alteration found may disqualify the candidature
Candidates are required to retain a photocopy of application submitted by them.Candidates are advised to preserve these details for future use. No Call letterswill be dispatched by post or courier etc.