The India Security Press, Nashik Road (Maharashtra State) is one of the nine units under the “Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd.” (SPMCIL), a Mini Ratna Category-I, Central Public Sector Enterprise Company, a wholly owned company of Government of India, incorporated on 13.01.2006 under the companies Act, 1956 with the objective of designing, manufacturing of India Passports, non-judicial stamp papers etc. SPMCIL is under the administrative control of Ministry of Finance with its Registered and Corporate Office at 16th Floor, Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi.
The India Security Press, Nashik Road invites applications from the eligible candidates for the post of Junior Office Assistant.
1. The eligibility criteria for determination of age and qualification etc. will be calculated as on 02.05.2018. i.e. a candidate must have been born not earlier than 03.05.1990 and not later than 02.05.2000
2. The selected candidates will be placed on probation for the period of one year. The period of probation may be extended by a further maximum period of one year at the discretion of the company.
3. Initially Place of posting will be at India Security Press, Nashik and liable for transfer to any of the Units under SPMCIL (Hoshangabad/Dewas/Delhi/Noida/Mumbai/Hyderabad) as per requirement of the company.