Who can login & Register for DMA Mains ?
A candidate who has qualified for at least one post/service in DMA Municipal Services prelims exam as per the shortlisted list published on MahaPariksha Portal
Every eligible Candidate for Mains Exam has to login by using the same USERNAME and PASSWORD which he/ she has used for DMA Municipal Services prelims registration in April,2018.
In case the candidate has forgot his/her password then candidate can use reset the password using the link “Did you forget your password?”
In case the candidate has forgot his/her USERNAME then he/she should search for activation email which he/she had received at the time of profile activation during DMA Municipal Services prelims registration in April,2018. Please find below the screen shot for activation email and USERNAME.
Instructions to Candidates for Mains Registration and Login:
Enter the user name and password (As explained in the above Important Notes Section)
After Login, there is an option for the Candidate to edit his/her Mobile No. and Address details
Candidate will be able to view all the registration fields which he/she had filled and selected in prelim registration form in April,2018 but will not be allowed to update any of the fields except Mobile and Address.
After this candidate can select the department name as “Directorate of Municipal Administration” and click on “Show Exams”. Only those posts/services will be displayed for which candidate has qualified for Mains as per the list displayed on MahaPariksha Portal.
Candidate has to select posts/ services displayed in “Show Exams” and can apply for respective Mains Exam
Candidate has to select 3 preferred locations for Mains Exam under “Exam Center Details” Tab.
After this, Candidate has to make an online payment as per the services applied
After Online Fees Payment, Candidate must take a print out of the filled application form for his/her future reference.